
“…being an artist is a life long search for belonging and self worth…”
“Admire” is a collection of paintings of various Vancouver vista, points and places that I admire. Just when I think I have painted every square inch of Vancouver, I turn around and find yet another thing that inspires me. Vancouver is an incredible city, ever turning, developing and evolving. One day, while mourning the loss of an ancient building that once housed my favourite donut shop, the next day I am exhilarated by the arrival of a shimmering, gleaming new building. It is the mixture of nature, antiquity and modern architecture that culminates my compositions. Carefully chosen images go through a “tumble” in order to become my own. Starting with a flat black background which gives the painting a neutral foundation. The image is draw out with a shiny black KRink pen. I work from the back ground forward or from the top down getting the sky complete that sets the tone for the time of day or night the piece is set in. Relaxing the formality of the building makes it organic, adding crucial brick instalments, windows details and iconography that gives each building it’s own personality. Gem like colours and jewel toned expressions are added layer after layer and creamed with white to qualify the painting to potent effect. Personifying myself into each piece is a strategically placed bright orange road cone. The paintings are approachable with a refined whimsical quality. Congruence (body, mind and intuition) is the most crucial element of my painting.
— John Ferrie —